Rethinking Breadwinner – A better approach
Unknown to many breadwinner has not always been the original
concept contrary to what many have taught over the years. It was a circumstantial
paradigm that was developed to promote family life but that was based on the
assumption that the woman is best suited to handle the kids while the man is
best suited to bring in money. While that may not be totally bad it fails to
promote the individual potentials because we have seen cases where the man is
actually the best person to raise the children while the wife is best with
money making because of her make up as a serial entrepreneur.
I believe we have lost a generation of women to home making
whose strongest traits of invention or business development was sacrificed and
we have put unnecessary burden on men whose best expression may actually have
been in raising children and working from home.
The problem of the breadwinner approach is that it assumes that
every family practice the same system of governance where the man is stronger,
more intelligent and more hard working. But haven’t you seen men marry more
intelligent women? Or how do you explain the fact that some men now have their
wives as the head of a conglomerate?
Family systems engineering offers a better approach to the
breadwinner syndrome because while it may not be totally bad it has created a
form of competition where people struggle to win the bread and tear their love
apart because the one who holds the bread controls the mood of the family so a
woman who feels her interest was not protected by the man when he was in charge
of the bread grows to retaliate when the script is flipped and she now controls
the bread. In some cases even when she is still submissive the man feels
disrespected when in actual fact it is his insecurity that is troubling him.
I think a lot of generalizations have been taught over the years
that we may need to rethink and question all over again.
What is the Family Systems Engineering recommendation?
What is the Family Systems Engineering recommendation?
1. Family as a nation of dream teams – We believe if we flip the
script and change promote couples as teams as against individuals we will come
together and create a family vision, values and systems that promote the best
interest of all and where everyone work together to create a nation that is
desirable for everyone’s potentials to find expression.
This paradigm states eliminates star players instead it promotes
the team and that is why we often say that ‘Star players don’t win or lose
matches; teams do’. What this does is that it makes us see whatever we do for
or against ourselves as to the team and not my spouse. So for example if I fail
to clean our space because I feel it is a woman’s responsible our team is
perceived as dirty and not my wife.
2. Income as internally generated revenue that boosts our family
economy – The bread winner syndrome promotes the concept of resource control
which means the one who generates the resources must control it even when
he/she doesn’t have the capacity to multiply the income and create a future
where the passive income from the nation’s assets can take care of her living
We believe whatever a couple makes must be perceived as our
collective internally generated revenue. That way everyone develops a sense of
belonging and responsibility knowing fully well that we are all contributing
something to the development of our family.
This concept goes further to say that the family must have an
economic plan that seeks to be financially free within a stipulated number of
years(financial freedom is that state where what you earn passively can take
care of your living expenses).
The question we often ask at the moment is ‘Can your family
economy survive a recession’? When we all deploy our God given abilities to add
value to the family economy we will create a better future faster and have the
health to enjoy the wealth as against looking for how to pay our bills at age
60 still looking for another job.
However we say that the best person in the team with money
management must be our minister in charge of the economy and there must be full
disclosure of whatever is earned and every disbursement must be budget based.
Here it would no longer matter who brings in the highest amount and that person
may not be in charge of the management of funds because whatever comes in is
now the internally generated revenue of the economy even though we will make a
budget based robust provision to take care of the workforce of our family
3. Celebrate your uniqueness – The family systems engineering
approach believes that you must first decipher the uniqueness of your family
and celebrate it as against box yourself into the corner of generalizations
based on what you have read or people have taught over the years.
If your husband is the one that is better with children and
prefers to work from home there is no rule that says a woman must stay at home.
These rules were created by human beings and if it doesn’t work for your family
why insist on it?
You are different and your spouse is different and whatever theory or paradigm that doesn’t promote your best interest must go no matter how long it has been in existence.
You are different and your spouse is different and whatever theory or paradigm that doesn’t promote your best interest must go no matter how long it has been in existence.
Where internal competition must begin to give way to
co-operation in your family you might want to pause and check what is
responsible for it and flip the script so that you can promote your best
interest and preserve what you both feel for each other.
The bread winner syndrome was an invention not a law that is
cast in stone and the beauty of it is that we can question it and see if it
still serves our best interest in this age and time. If it doesn’t there is
nothing that stops us from embracing something else that promotes the dignity
of our persons, maximizes our potentials and promotes the best interest of our
family economy.
I believe if we embrace this new approach it will ease the
burden on our men and also improves the creativity of our women and ultimately
eliminates stress and depression while it fosters co-operation and team work.
There is no bread to be won because both husband and wife are no longer working
to win the bread but to build a developed economy that can survive any form of
situation or recession.
I honor you.
Praise Fowowe
Trainer- Family systems engineering certification
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