When the first season of Big Brother Africa premiered in
2003 I was unashamedly stuck, I couldn’t imagine 12 human beings living in a
house with cameras everywhere just frolicking around and interacting with each
other for my entertainment. To say the first Big Brother was explosive is a
mild adjective, it was definitely filled with numerous controversies, from the
shower hour which I hated and never watched, to the wild parties, to watching
housemates engage in morally questionable acts it was definitely a rude shock
especially for African countries who like to hide behind the conservative nature
of our culture.
As the years went by personally I started losing interest,
firstly because reality caught up with me I had bigger fish to fry than sit
around all day watching individuals play around in a house and secondly I
started questioning the whole premise on the show, and so after a few years
I tapped out. I may catch the weekly highlights when it was on but I really
started losing interest.
That was until the current show Big Brother Naija premiered
on DSTV. Slowly this particular one began to win me over, I can’t even remember
when I became interested in what they were selling but the drama this time
around has got me a little bit intrigued.
I remember when the first Big Brother Nigeria aired, it was
extremely captivating so I was a bit surprised when it took the producers 11
years to bring the franchise back. This one seemed to be drenched in endless
controversy right from the first episode, This show now christened Big Brother
Naija aired with some Nigerians screaming blue murder, querying why the
Nigerian franchise would film the show in South Africa instead of Nigeria.
Helloooooo do you
think they want to spend majority of their budget burning Diesel? The cost of
producing a show of this magnitude in a country with epileptic power supply would
be too much for the producers, besides my assumption is that they already had
the space to design the Big Brother house since it may be the same location as
the previous BBA , my thoughts though….. immediately they scaled that hurdle some
people started questioning some of the content of the show, A group even went
further to launch a petition calling for public signatures to demand that the show be taken off air , The most recent brouhaha is
the disqualification of one of its contestants Kemen for inappropriately
touching a female contestant, drama…drama…drama….the age old question filled my
head Who Big Brother Naija really Ep?
Well after giving it a hard thought I have deduced that it
depends on who you ask.
Fan or no Fan of the show you cannot deny its appeal to the
younger generation and its place as a launching pad for entertainment acts.
Every week they meet up with celebrities who try to talk to
them about the realities in the outside world and advise them on how to excel
in their respective fields. Big brother also organizes different kind of games,
quizzes and activities that have some form of educative view point but maybe that’s
not enough for some people, maybe the kissing, fondling, nudity, and strong
language that goes on in the house supersedes all this positive points I am
trying to point out in this write up, If that is the case why bother watch its
Rated 18+ so you already know it’s for mature audiences besides you could change
the station.
“That does not help the young ones “you argue, “Celebrating
promiscuity going on in the house will corrupt the young ones.”
That’s a good point but my view is take a good look around
you, who do your children celebrate, mega star celebrities like Kim Kardashian
and Beyonce are not known for running around in a nuns outfit preaching to your
kids to cover up, it’s simply the reality of the day being sexy sells period. If
we placed camera’s in our higher institutions most people would be shocked at
the acts of our “dearly beloved undergraduates” so why are we acting like this
is something alien to our society, it’s a fair argument to respond that this
may be the case but it is worse off to air this on television to millions of
audiences and wrap it up like the best thing to happen to the Nigerian
entertainment industry but as I said it depends on your view point.
A lot of agitators may argue that the sexual assault that
happened in the house over the weekend is enough grounds to support their view that
the show is a bad influence on the public. Promoting unacceptable behaviors amongst our youths and
foreign to our culture), But that incident forced out a conversation that is extremely
necessary, the talk about sexual consent. I was surprised about the kind of
comments viewers were exchanging on the incident, as a matter of fact today Big
Brother Naija dedicated a whole show educating the housemates and the general
public on the dangers and viewpoints of performing intimate acts on the opposite
sex without consent. . (A separate topic will be posted to talk about SEXUAL
If we are being honest we need to ask ourselves what is the
show really about? What do we hope to gain from sitting through hours of
footage of 12 random people interacting in a well-furnished house, my answer is
simple its pure entertainment, we take a mirror and look at young men and women
from our communities slowly show us the lengths they will go and acts they will
commit for fame and for twenty five million naira.
The back stabbing, lies, alleged adulterous advances,
gossip, strategies, scheming all this bad mixed with the good presents a transparent
picture that stares back at us through a looking glass (which is in this case
happens to be our television set ) on the kind of youths that our society
is breeding. A large number of the contestants are struggling artists, ripe
with tales of suffering, hunger, poverty and determination struggling to make
ends meet in an unforgiving landscape as ours, after an initial hesitant week
of pretending you finally see the behind the façade of what a cross section of
our youths look like. Sometimes it’s ugly, despicable, embarrassing, but
sometimes its raw emotion, its humorous, its honest. If you don’t like what you
see then look away, you can change the station but don’t be hypocritical.
Who Big Brother Naija really EP?
Well no one it seems
or maybe quite a lot, it depends on your perspective as for me I am still
caught up with reality, treading this waters in the real world trying to get that
paper so I may not join the long queue of viewers glued to my TV set watching
this show , but if people want to sit
all day and watch people in a house interact , why not it makes for good
entertainment and of course good blog content…winks
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