Dear Diary so.....erm i am feeling guilty, you know that kind of guilty feeling where you know you're about to do something wrong but you have not done anything bad yet...technically.
So i moved back to Surulere for some time, No Maximilian and i are not quarreling but he traveled to Jos on official assignment and we decided i should stay in my family house for the time being till he gets back so i would not be too lonely at the Flat and the traffic stress with my commute to work would be reduced.
I loved being back home, i missed my room, i missed sleeping on my large bed alone, i missed my mum fawning over me for a change, i even missed the smell of my dad's evening tobacco and my younger brothers after shave following us all over the house........ sigh i loved being at home.
Two weeks ago i had come back early from work and decided to take a stroll, my friend Bisi in the office had casually commented that i was adding weight, coyly trying to ask me if i was pregnant.
All this busy bodies and monitoring spirits, she was the third person that had asked me that week if i was pregnant so i decided to start taking long strolls as small exercise. You know my Husband is tall and handsome i don't want people to start thinking i am his elder sister instead of his wife.
Usually when i return from work ,i like to wash my face and remove all jewelry, consequently i was not wearing my ring on that fateful day. I wore that short gown Becky my cousin bought for me last december when she traveled to the United States, it was comfortable, 100% cotton and great for this hot weather, yes it was also very short but my legs needed to breathe abeg. I had barely walked for twenty mins when i perceived the smell of hot fresh popcorn, abandoning my healthy stroll i let my nose lead me right to Foodies Supermarket some streets away from my family house, sure enough they had started making their legendary popcorn and luckily i was one of the first people to arrive so i did not need to worry about the usual queues of people waiting to place their order for the Pop corn.
After i had received a pack of popcorn which i had just bought, i slumped on one of the wooden benches in front of the shop and started munching , i did not wait to get home to start chewing, i had to munch it right there when it was hot and fresh.Suddenly a Tall dark complexioned young man wearing an over sized polo shirt and a pair of blue jeans approached the pop corn stand and changed the atmosphere completely, As soon as he opened his mouth to place an order the sales attendant looked lost, he spoke with a thick American accent and it was obvious the new sales boy had no idea of what he was saying.
The guy was trying to order 2 fresh packs of N500 Pop Corn but the sales boy could not comprehend his words. I could not help it i started laughing at both of them, it seemed like something out of a low budget Nollywood movie, The guy kept on gesticulating at the empty packs right in front of him and the sales boy could not understand if he wanted to order the N100 Pack, N200 Pack or N500 Pack, when my laughter became so obvious the guy shot me a venomous look, but for some reason it only made me laugh harder. The "Johnny just come and the bush village boy" they made a comical pair, I felt sorry for the guy 5 minutes later when he made to walk away angrily and decided to be their interpreter.
Ten minutes later we were sitting together munching our pop corn as the guy narrated his experience with other Lagosians because of his accent.
His name was Abiola, he had just come back from the United States to run his fathers Auto mobile company, His father had decided to test him by sending him to manage the company center at Shitta, Surulere but the Employees always made fun of him behind his back. He was a breath of fresh air, He talked non -stop in that American accent of his and looked at me like i was the only one in the world who understood him. I had no idea we had been sitting there for over forty five mins until i felt flies feasting on my legs. We exchanged numbers and i rushed home with a smile on my lips, i had made a new friend.
That was how i met Biola or "Baller" as his friends called him, since then he calls me non stop every day, we talk about everything under the sun, and even though at first i thought i was just being friendly it just occurred to me that i still have not informed him that i am married and now our conversations were becoming more intense.
Dear Diary.....I am confused , This my telephone relationship with this Americana please am i having an affair or nah?
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