There are stories you hear that can melt even the hardest of hearts.
Guinness largely popular campaign #Madeofblack which set out to focus on the real made of black heroes in all walks of life across Nigeria, honored a street sweeper Adekunle Adebisi.
The Guinness Made of Black team on September 8, 2015 paid a visit to Adekunle in Ilupeju in the city of Lagos, recognizing him as one of its #madeofblack heroes.
The surprise visit by the #madeofblack team was to appreciate him for his consistency, hard work and dedication.
Adekunle Adebisi,
a young handicapped man who sweeps the pedestrian bridge at Town
Planning Anthony in Lagos. He lost his hands a long time ago
and was nominated by a daily commuter, Henry.
says Adekunle’s dedication to the job was inspiring and he admired him
very much. Nominating Adekunle, Henry says, was a way of cheering the
zeal his (Adekunle) job, regardless of the circumstances. Henry says
Adekunle is his hero.
Henry tweeted My #MadeOfBlack Hero was all smiles and thankful. He just couldn't hold
back the joy. *teary eyes* I'm so happy to know that God used me
(@Henrikachi) and YOU all to remember this unknown and unsung hero. This
is how the society should function; celebrating those who against all
odds keep pushing for a better Nigeria.
During a radio interview an emotional Adekunle finally revealed how he lost his hands.
uncle he was living with at the tender age of 8 tightly tied his hands
and legs and locked him up in a room for 3 days. The nerves on both
hands had already died and the hands dead before he could be rescued.
was in tears as he narrated the story. It all goes to show that even where Life has dealt people a rough set of cards Heroes Rise up against all Odds and overcome.
True Hero.

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