Below is an article i wrote for Standbybaganigeria. It's really a sad situation and i hope people can assist in various ways possible.
Terrorism in the North Eastern states of Nigeria has taken
its toll on everyone, thousands of lives have been lost , sometimes in the most
painful way possible, Villages and cities have been laid to waste,
infrastructure amounting to millions of naira burnt to the ground and
completely destroyed,
For most of the survivors of this tragedy, the suffering is
not over, with their homes destroyed and nowhere to run to, thousands have
relocated to IDP camps spread across the region where it appear s as if the distress
is not yet over.
Most people returning to their communities do
not have anything to return to, their homes and communities have been
completely destroyed and they face the risk of starvation.http://www.sabinews.com/all-news/boko-haram-survivors-face-starvation/
The poor sanitary conditions of the camps have
led to outbreaks of diseases which the survivors are exposed to.
Most of the IDP’s are not equipped to handle the
population of displaced persons, as they lack food, water, drugs for the sick
amongst them and good shelter. These camps are overwhelmed and require
assistance as more displaced persons keep trooping into the camps.
Allegations of Rape, Child Trafficking and
Physical Abuse made by survivors in the Camps.
we look forward to the end of this demonic stage in our polity, and as the
Nigerian Army continues to make gains to end the insurgency, let us not forget
that for the thousands of our brothers and sisters that have been directly
affected by these acts their Life does not return to normal. The nightmare has
not ended, Aid is still needed let’s support in any way we can.
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