Our Cause:
In January 2015, Boko-Haram performed what has been referred to as its deadliest attack till date on the town of Baga in Borno State, Nigeria. Aerial satellite footage by Human Rights Watch confirms that the town was largely razed to the ground. Depending on the source, the number of dead victims ranges from 200- 2000. We actually do not care what the real number is. One life brutally taken is one too many. While we may no longer save the dead, we must help the living!
As a result of Boko-Haram activities, there are presently about 1,000,000 displaced people (IDPs) living in 18 IDP camps in northeast Nigeria. This number is synonymous with the population of Swaziland and Djibouti, and over half the population of Gambia. The needs of the IDPS are immense and include, water and sanitation, beds, medical supplies (antiseptics, plasters, soaps, toiletries, drugs, analgesics--pain relievers, anti-helminthics--worm expellants, anti-malaria, humatinics--iron/folic acid, and mild antibiotics), mosquito nets, books, clothing, shoes, and food.
We are no longer comfortable merely whispering prayers or sighing in grief, and wishing that someone else does something while the victims wonder which affliction is worse- that they have been displaced by terrorists or ignored by “good people”
What We Have Decided to Do:
StandByBagaNigeria is a youth-led initiative to mobilize resources to provide humanitarian aid to the many Nigerian citizens including young children, women and the elderly who have lost family, homes and livelihoods to the Boko-Haram carnage in northeast Nigeria. We are working in conjunction with StandByBagaUK that has collected about 2,000kg (approximately 2 Tons) worth of goods for Baga victims. To learn more about the UK relief item collection drive, please visit www.standbybaga.org.uk. We will use the funds we raise to purchase medical supplies to be administered by the Medical Women's Association of Nigeria (MWAN Borno State Chapter) as well as transport relief materials collected for dispatch to Federation of Muslim Women Association of Nigeria (FOMWAN Borno State Chapter) working with victims and other IDPs in refugee camps across Borno State.
The Impact:
This page is aimed at raising money to transport and deliver the goods collected to victims and support relief initiatives working with IDPs in northeast Nigeria. Funds will also be used to purchase additional relief materials to support the scope of intervention in health, education, livelihood empowerment, and basic needs that will foster the rehabilitation and the re-integration of victims back into society.
Here’s a chance to dispel some of the common excuses for inaction such as:
· I am only one person. When we pool our resources, we can make a big difference. Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world.
· I don’t know how I can help. You can donate something to let Baga and other Boko Haram victims know that they are not alone. We their Nigerian brothers and sisters stand by them. We ask and welcome the support of those in the diaspora, well wishers, and Non-Nigerians alike.
Will you join us today and StandByBagaNigeria?
What We Need:
In total, we need $10,000 for this campaign. A breakdown of costs and how funds will be appropriated is as follows:
· We need $1,200 to pay for the purchase of a used Van that will carry and house the relief items.
· We need $3,000 to pay for shipping costs from London to Lagos which takes approximately two weeks to a month
· We need $2,500 to pay for customs and clearing at the Nigerian Port Authority when the relief items arrive at Lagos Port Complex, Apapa.
· We need $2,000 to purchase medical drug supplies from Neimeth Pharmaceuticals Plc.
· We need $1,500 to pay for the cost of logistics and internal transportation of the van and materials from Lagos State to Borno State a 22 hour journey that is approximately 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles).
Other Ways You Can Help:
We are always grateful for any form of support we receive. In case you can't contribute financially, please stay in touch. Your knowledge or any other support you can render may be useful in the long run. If you are also able to donate any of the relief items listed, that will help too. Also, please share this campaign and get your loved ones to assist.
Spread the word about StandByBagaNigeria to friends and
- Share #StandByBagaNigeria on your social media pages and on facebook
Please like and follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/standbyBaga?fref=ts
- Visit the website of our UK counter-part at http://standbybaga.org.uk/
- Visit the website of our relief partner organization FOMWAN at http://www.fomwan.org/
- Visit the website of our relief partner organization MWAN at http://mwanng.org/
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